I started this project late last year and have worked on it when I found the time over the last six months. I got the board at a box craft store it’s a bit over 2 feet tall and 16 inches wide.

I used a different color of Hero Arts Premium Cardstock for each letter. I die cut the Letter Fancy Dies each color once then from Deluxe Smooth White Cardstock twice.

The butterflies from the Delicate Butterfly Fancy Dies were cut from Deluxe Smooth White Cardstock then inked with Hero Arts Core Inks that match or coordinate with the cardstock colors.

I did the same for the flowers from the Bees and Flowers Fancy Dies and grass from the Butterfly Foliage Fancy Dies.

I added Hero Glitter Paste to the left and bottom of letters, body of butterflies and center of flowers.

The flowers and grass helped push the words closer together. I used a tape measure to figure out where to place the letters then used a ruler to keep things straight.

I added enamel dots in coordinating colors as butterfly trails. Though there are still some bare areas, I decided for now I was happy with it.

I used Precision Glue XL to adhere everything on this board. Every few letters I stopped and laid something heavy on them.

The most challenging part of this project for me was measuring and spacing things correctly. I marked the board with a pencil to help. Thanks for visiting!